
04 September 2003

What's Up in Space -- 4 Sep 2003
Evidemment avec de nouvelles observations plus précises, la menace de la collision en 2014 a été levée (lire notre nouvelle du 2 septembre ci-dessous) :

EVAPORATING THREAT: On August 24th, asteroid 2003 QQ47 was discovered. Less than a week later, before astronomers had time to calculate a very precise orbit, reports emerged that the asteroid might hit Earth in 2014. Good news: it's not going to happen. The threat has already evaporated--a result of new data collected in recent days. Reports of danger from newly-discovered asteroids should always be treated with skepticism, simply because it takes a while to track an asteroid properly and chart its future course. 2003 QQ47 is a good example.
23:39:00 - Dominique - Catégorie : AstroNews

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