
03 May 2005

La Lune et l'avion
J'ai surpris le jeudi 21 avril (à 21:30 TU) un avion passant devant la lune lors d'une éance d'imagerie lunaire !

Sphinx + VMC200L F/D 9.75 et Webcam Meade LPI
Pas de traitement.

Alexandre Lhoest,

L'animation :

00:16:10 - ejehin - Catégorie : AstroPhotos

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The comet and the UFO
On some of the 9P pictures I took on March 19, a mysterious object is visible. It moved from left to right at an apparent speed of ca. 10 arcmin/minute with respect to the stars ie. about 5 arcmin/minute from right to left in a terrestrial referential. The image is made of two pictures side by side. FOV on the diagonal is 43'.
The object is not a geosat (also, the declination between +11� and +12� would preclude that). Perhaps another distant satellite?

Jean-Luc Dighaye

00:07:45 - ejehin - Catégorie : AstroPhotos

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